I want to speak on the subject of "The Bible's Dress Code." There are a lot of preachers who preach on the subject of God's dress code, that goes something like this: "Well, bless God, this is the way you ought to dress. And this is the way you ought to dress, because I just told you this is the way you ought to dress. I just told you this is the way you ought to dress, because this is what my pastor taught me when I was a young Christian boy, how a lady or a man ought to dress. So you just do what I say, because I'm the preacher." And people either do it, or they rebel against it. But I believe there are a lot of people who, although they are not interested in the preacher's opinion, who if they could actually be shown from the Bible what is right and what is wrong, they would do right. There are a lot of people in our churches who have been taught the truth but they do not live the truth, because even though they have been taught the truth, they haven't been taught the truth from the Bible. They have been taught the truth from opinion. They have been taught the truth from tradition, but they have not been taught the truth from the Bible.

I'll give you a personal illustration of this. When I first met my wife, I basically told her how I wanted her to dress, and she just thought I was crazy. "Why should I dress like that?" "Because I am your husband and I told you to." Thank God, there was an older lady in our church who was able at that time to take the Bible and show her what I should have been able to show her, as a preacher. If I had been able to show her from the Bible, it would have saved us a lot of fights in the beginning of our marriage. There was even a time at the beginning of our marriage when she did what I told her to do, because I told her to do it, but she did it begrudgingly. But when she actually saw from the Bible what God expected, she no longer did it begrudgingly, but willingly. So I hope to be able to show you from the Bible what God expects.

I'll give you a personal illustration of this. When I first met my wife, I basically told her how I wanted her to dress, and she just thought I was crazy. "Why should I dress like that?" "Because I am your husband and I told you to." Thank God, there was an older lady in our church who was able at that time to take the Bible and show her what I should have been able to show her, as a preacher. If I had been able to show her from the Bible, it would have saved us a lot of fights in the beginning of our marriage. There was even a time at the beginning of our marriage when she did what I told her to do, because I told her to do it, but she did it begrudgingly. But when she actually saw from the Bible what God expected, she no longer did it begrudgingly, but willingly. So I hope to be able to show you from the Bible what God expects.
March 03, 2010, 5:30AM
A snowlady that Maria Conneran and her family sculpted in front of their Rahway home that attracted passers-by on Rahway's Colonia Boulevard to stop for pictures, but prompted an anonymous complaint to police who had the family cover up the sculpture with clothing.