猫にまたたび、御女郎に小判 Wer jetzt noch lacht, hat die neuesten Nachrichten noch nicht gehört. "THE OFFICIAL E.R.A. LITTER-BOX"
LONDON (AFP) – A British woman has suddenly started speaking with a Chinese accent after suffering a severe migraine, she said in comments quoted by British media Tuesday.
Sarah Colwill believes she has Foreign Accent Syndrome (FAS) which has caused her distinctive West Country drawl to be replaced with a Chinese twang, even though she has never even visited the country.
The 35-year-old from Plymouth, southwest England, is now undergoingspeech therapy following an acute form of migraine last month which reportedly left her with a form of brain damage.
"I moved to Plymouth when I was 18 months old so I have always spoken like a local. But following one attack, an ambulance crew arrived and they said I definitely sounded Chinese," she said.
"I spoke to my stepdaughter on the phone from hospital and she didn't recognise who I was. She said I sounded Chinese. Since then, I have had my friends hanging up on me because they think I'm a hoax caller."
Colwill added: "The first few weeks of the accent was quite funny but to think I am stuck with this Chinese accent is getting me down. My voice has started to annoy me now. It is not my voice."
FAS has been documented around the world and is usually linked to a stroke or traumatic brain injury. It was first recorded in the early 20th century and there are thought to be only a couple of dozen sufferers around the world.
Cats who had great impact on Hip-Hop before their demise
By Quiban Salazar-Moreno
"The greatest of all time died on March 9..." ehh... I don't think so.
Here is my list of the top ten rappers who are dead. I based my ranking on how fresh they were when they were alive, their contributions to hip-hop. And if they were alive, would their music be any good?
I excluded cats like Jay Dee, Jam Master Jay, Freaky Tah, and Scott La Rock becuase they weren't really emcees. Jay Dee was more of a producer and Freaky Tah more of a hype man. Anyway, here's the list.
10. Cowboy (Grandmaster Flash & The Furious 5)
Death: On Saturday, September 8 1989, Cowboy died of complications from HIV AIDS. He was two weeks shy of his 39th birthday.
When people think of Grandmaster Flash and Furious 5, they first automatically think of Melle Mel, but Cowboy was the backbone of the group along with Scorpio. There wasn’t much publicity when he passed, mostly because he already contributed what he had to the culture.
9. MC Trouble
Death: MC Trouble died of an epileptic seizure in 1991, on her 19th birthday.
MC Trouble was the first female emcee ever signed to Motown Records. In 1990 she made her rounds on BET and YO! MTV Raps with “(I Wanna) Wanna Make You Mine”. The track was hot, and unfortunately she died before really making a name for herself.
8. Buffy (Fat Boys)
Death: on December 10, 1995, Darren "Buffy, the Human Beatbox" Robinson died of a heart attack in Rosedale, New York. He was 28 years old and reportedly 450 lbs.
Growing up I was a huge fan of the Fat Boys. They were funny, confident and made some fresh music. I think after their movie Disorderlies they pretty much worn out their welcome. They broke up for awhile, which was fine. Prince Markie Dee was doing his thing. Then talk of reunion surfaced, which I think would have been dope over some those beats from the mid-90’s from Pete Rock, Large Professor, or Evil Dee. I mean it worked for Run-DMC and “Down with The King” right?
7. Eazy E
Death: In 1995, Eazy-E entered the hospital with what he believed to be bronchitis. He was diagnosed with AIDS, and almost immediately announced his illness to the public. He died soon after, on March 26, 1995.
Eazy E didn’t write his own lyrics until the last years of his life. He was wack. But when Cube or Ren wrote them, he was one of the best emcees ever. He had the perfect voice, look and attitude. If it wasn’t for him, there’s a lot of things that wouldn’t have happened in hip-hop.
6. Grym Reaper aka Too Poetic (Gravediggaz)
Death: In April 1999: "Grym Reaper" was diagnosed with a deadly colon cancer, and was given only three months to live. On Sunday, July 15, 2001, Anthony “Grym Reaper” Berkeley passed away, almost two years longer than the time he was given by the doctors.
Most people forget about Grym, but his contributions to the first two excellent Gravediggaz albums and the heart and passion he showed on the last Gravediggaz album has to be applauded. He was an excellent emcee, but honestly I don’t miss him as much as some other emcees.
5. Ol Dirty Bastard
Death: ODB collapsed at approximately 5:29pm on November 13, 2004 at Wu-Tang's recording studio. He was pronounced dead less than an hour later, only two days shy of his 36th birthday. He had a lethal mixture of cocaine and the prescription painkiller Tramadol in his system at the time of his death.
I liked ODB. I liked his personality; I liked his unpredictable nature and just his craziness. It made for funny, entertaining hip-hop. His flow wasn’t to bad either, especially on the DJ Premier-produced cut “Pop Shots” with M.O.P.
4. Tupac
Death: Tupac was shot in a drive-by on September 7, 1996 after the boxing match between Mike Tyson and Bruce Seldon in Las Vegas. Shakur was hit several times (including once in the lung) while attempting to jump in the back seat. He died in the hospital on September 13, 1996.
I really haven’t had an urge to want to hear new Tupac music at all. He made so many tracks that they’re still coming out almost a decade after his death. I would like to see what he would be doing nowadays and if he ever would have squashed his beef with everyone. Although lyrically, Pac has never impressed me, but his passion, charisma and honesty always caught my attention. Me Against the World is still his best album.
3. Notorious B.I.G.
Death: On March 9, 1997, Biggie was shot and killed in Los Angeles, where he had been attending a party by VIBE Magazine near the Peterson Automotive Museum.
After hearing the Duets album, and the regurgitation of Biggie lyrics that we’ve heard over and over again, it would definitely be nice to hear him spit some new stuff over beats from the Neptunes, Kanye and Timbaland. He’s really one of the best that’s ever done it.
2. Big Pun
Death: Struggling with weight problems during his lifetime, Pun died on February 7, 2000 after a fatal heart attack.
I’m a Big Pun fan, and it really hurt my heart when he passed. It was cool to see a Latino represent with skills plus make dope hits. I really put him up there with Biggie, Jigga, Rakim, Nas, you know, the legends in the game. He just left too early to do more than he did.
1. Big L
Death: On February 15 , 1999 Big L was shot seven times in the head and chest and killed on 139th Street, just blocks away from his Harlem home. He was 24 years old.
I think Big L is the illest emcee who is no longer alive. Listening to his first album and then his posthumous album, you’ll hear some of the illest metaphors and similes ever spoken.
Peep this nugget from 1995’s “Put it On":
“Aiyyo, you betta flee Hops, or get your head flown three blocks
L keep rapper's hearts pumpin like Reeboks…
I got the wild style, always been a foul child
My guns go boom-boom, and yo' guns go pow-pow”
Check this one from 1999’s “Ebonics”:
“A burglary is a jook, a woof's a crook
Mobb Deep already explained the meanin' of shook
If you caught a felony, you caught a F
If you got killed, you got left
If you got the dragon, you got bad breath
If you 730, that mean you crazy
Hit me on the hip means page me”
He was on his way to signing with Roc-A-Fella Records. How nice it would have been.
BEIRUT -- A senior Iranian cleric says women who wear immodest clothing and behave promiscuously are to blame for earthquakes.
Iran is one of the world's most earthquake-prone countries, and the cleric's unusual explanation for why the earth shakes follows a prediction by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad that a quake is certain to hit Tehran and that many of its 12 million inhabitants should relocate.
"Many women who do not dress modestly ... lead young men astray, corrupt their chastity and spread adultery in society, which (consequently) increases earthquakes," Hojatoleslam Kazem Sedighi was quoted as saying by Iranian media. Sedighi is Tehran's acting Friday prayer leader.
Women in the Islamic Republic are required by law to cover from head to toe, but many, especially the young, ignore some of the more strict codes and wear tight coats and scarves pulled back that show much of the hair.
"What can we do to avoid being buried under the rubble?" Sedighi asked during a prayer sermon Friday. "There is no other solution but to take refuge in religion and to adapt our lives to Islam's moral codes."
Seismologists have warned for at least two decades that it is likely the sprawling capital will be struck by a catastrophic quake in the near future.
Some experts have even suggested Iran should move its capital to a less seismically active location. Tehran straddles scores of fault lines, including one more than 50 miles (80 kilometers) long, though it has not suffered a major quake since 1830.
In 2003, a powerful earthquake hit the southern city of Bam, killing 31,000 people - about a quarter of that city's population - and destroying its ancient mud-built citadel.
"A divine authority told me to tell the people to make a general repentance. Why? Because calamities threaten us," Sedighi said.
Referring to the violence that followed last June's disputed presidential election, he said, "The political earthquake that occurred was a reaction to some of the actions (that took place). And now, if a natural earthquake hits Tehran, no one will be able to confront such a calamity but God's power, only God's power. ... So let's not disappoint God."
The Iranian government and its security forces have been locked in a bloody battle with a large opposition movement that accuses Ahmadinejad of winning last year's vote by fraud.
Ahmadinejad made his quake prediction two weeks ago but said he could not give an exact date. He acknowledged that he could not order all of Tehran's 12 million people to evacuate. "But provisions have to be made. ... At least 5 million should leave Tehran so it is less crowded," the president said.
Minister of Welfare and Social Security Sadeq Mahsooli said prayers and pleas for forgiveness were the best "formulas to repel earthquakes."
"We cannot invent a system that prevents earthquakes, but God has created this system and that is to avoid sins, to pray, to seek forgiveness, pay alms and self-sacrifice," Mahsooli said.
Brooklyn DA Charles Hynes announced yesterday that 125,000 tons of seized knockoff goods would be donated to earthquake victims as a part of Operation Help Haiti. The confiscated goods, worth over $10 million, were taken from a Park Slope storage facility in 2009, and bear such names as Ralph Lauren, Diesel and Ed Hardy. "I feel wonderful. It's a celebration—certainly not a traditional prosecution," said Hynes.
However, the DA had to convince the real designers to let them give away the fake goods, which are usually destroyed after a raid. "It wasn't easy," said Rackets Division Chief Michael Vecchione. "But when we explained what we'd use the clothes for, they came on board." World Vision has volunteered to remove any logos or brand identifiers from the clothing before the goods are shipped, which makes you wonder what would even be left on an Ed Hardy shirt?
Saint Drogo (1105-1185), a Flemish nobleman who was reportedly able to bilocate, maintaining his presence in two locations at once. Witnesses claimed seeing Drogo working in fields simultaneously, and going to mass every Sunday. He is the patron saint of coffee and coffeehouses,
St Rene Goupil studied medicine, and in 1639 offered to work as a medic for the Jesuit missionaries in America. Missionary to the Hurons, working as a donné, a layman who worked without pay. He worked in a hospital in Quebec, Canada in 1640 and was assistant to Saint Isaac Jogues on his missionary travels. He was Captured and tortured by Iroquois, enemies of the Huron, for making the sign of the cross over a child’s head. While they were in captivity, Father Isaac received Rene into the Jesuits as a religious brother. He is the first North American martyr and his death by tomahawk in the head led to his patronage of people who work with or receive anasthesia.