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Battle of Blair Mountain
From August 24 to September 4, 1921, approximately seventy- five hundred (although some say as many as twenty thousand) West Virginia union miners and supporters led by Bill Blizzard, president of United MineWorkers of America, marched from union territory in Kanawha and northern Boone Counties to nonunion Logan County and fought a battle against a force of about twentyfive hundred men led by Logan County Sheriff Don Chafin. This conflict, known as the Miners' March and Battle of Blair Mountain, was broken up by the intervention of more than two thousand federal troops.
prompted by the August 1, 1921, murder of Matewan Police Chief Sid Hatfield, who had emerged as the miners' hero because of his role in the Matewan Massacre of 1920, preparations began for a second armed march. On August 7, five thousand miners and union supporters gathered on the capitol grounds in Charleston to hear Keeney and Mary Harris "Mother" Jones condemn Governor Ephraim F. Morgan for imposing martial law in Mingo County. Keeney ordered miners to arm themselves and await his call. On August 20, miners began to assemble at Marmet.
During this march the miners wore red hankerchiefs around their necks so that their comrades in arms would recognize each other.
From August 24 to September 4, 1921, approximately seventy- five hundred (although some say as many as twenty thousand) West Virginia union miners and supporters led by Bill Blizzard, president of United MineWorkers of America, marched from union territory in Kanawha and northern Boone Counties to nonunion Logan County and fought a battle against a force of about twentyfive hundred men led by Logan County Sheriff Don Chafin. This conflict, known as the Miners' March and Battle of Blair Mountain, was broken up by the intervention of more than two thousand federal troops.
prompted by the August 1, 1921, murder of Matewan Police Chief Sid Hatfield, who had emerged as the miners' hero because of his role in the Matewan Massacre of 1920, preparations began for a second armed march. On August 7, five thousand miners and union supporters gathered on the capitol grounds in Charleston to hear Keeney and Mary Harris "Mother" Jones condemn Governor Ephraim F. Morgan for imposing martial law in Mingo County. Keeney ordered miners to arm themselves and await his call. On August 20, miners began to assemble at Marmet.
During this march the miners wore red hankerchiefs around their necks so that their comrades in arms would recognize each other.