猫にまたたび、御女郎に小判 Wer jetzt noch lacht, hat die neuesten Nachrichten noch nicht gehört. "THE OFFICIAL E.R.A. LITTER-BOX"

Sunday, June 20, 2010


" Some, like Pissarro, who had studied Marx as well as Peter Kropotkin, reasoned that 'the movement of ideas in present society tends with extraordinary energy towards the elaboration of new philosophical & scientific systems destined to become law in societies of the future.' Others explained in more sentimental terms why they were anarchists. Signac, for instance, listed among the reasons for his convictions 'the sufferings of many; logic; kindness; honesty; physiological laws (the rights of the stomach, of the brain, of the eyes, etc.); the need to feel happiness around oneself.' "
