猫にまたたび、御女郎に小判 Wer jetzt noch lacht, hat die neuesten Nachrichten noch nicht gehört. "THE OFFICIAL E.R.A. LITTER-BOX"

Thursday, February 18, 2010


"Cafe Grumpy's one of the best coffeebars in NY. It's known for two things: One of the few places that to get Clover-made coffee in NY, and it banned laptops. I was there last Sunday; it's incredible. People were talking.

That is, instead of staring silently, glass-eyed and slack-jawed, faces aglow with the soft light of a laptop, occasionally slurping coffee, rows and rows of slumped-over humanity. The place was packed. Bustling. Alive. I couldn't find a place to sit."
