Founders Archbishop Franzo King and Reverend Mother Marina King began this work in 1971 under the name of “One Mind Temple Evolutionary Transitional Body of Christ.” The inspiration came after the young couple had seen John Coltrane perform live in San Francisco in the year 1965. Being raised in the Pentecostal Church, Franzo King knew the presence of the Lord when it came through the power of the Holy Ghost. Seeing John Coltrane and hearing his sound that night was that familiar feeling he knew since childhood. It was the presence of God. Archbishop King refers to this as a “sound baptism” which touched their hearts and minds. Further investigation into this man proved him to be not just a “jazz musician” but one who was chosen to guide souls back to God.
In his thesis, A Love Supreme, John Coltrane declares the omnipotence of God and “our need for and dependence on Him.” He gives all praise to God and encourages the “dear listener” to “...pursue Him in the righteous path...” and declares “...Yes, it is true, Seek and ye shall find. Only through Him can we know the Most Wondrous Bestowals...” Saint John Coltrane demonstrated great love and devotion, declaring in his personalTestimony his own spiritual awakening. Which he said: “was to lead me to a richer, fuller, more productive life. At that time, in gratitude, I humbly asked to be given the means and privilege to make others happy through music.” I feel this has been granted through His grace. All praise to God.”